Important guidance when visiting us
Updated: 01 July 2020
About You
Please do not visit a Veezu site if you have:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Stay at home. Do not travel. Check the latest NHS guidance.
If you experience any of these symptoms after attending a Veezu site, please email us with your contact details so that we can manage communications with public health authorities, fellow attendees, and our employees.
We will keep the information as confidential as we can, mindful of our public health and data protection obligations. Click to email.
Safety First
Before you visit, you will be asked to adhere to our Social Distancing Guidelines;
- Avoid public transport where possible when attending a Veezu site; walk, cycle, drive a car or try to avoid rush-hour crowding on public transport.
- Face coverings and gloves worn on public transport must be secured within a sealed plastic bag before entering a Veezu site.
- Food and drink will not be offered as part of your visit.
- You should aim to stay 1 metre apart from others where possible.
- Unavoidable in-person meetings will be short, in a large meeting room where people can sit at least one metre apart; avoid physical greetings such as shaking hands/ nudging elbows
- You will be asked to wash your hands upon arrival and before leaving site.
- Do not visit a Veezu site if you, or someone in your household, has symptoms of coronavirus.
Cleaning and hygiene
Veezu continue to take steps to ensure all our sites are safe places to work and we encourage everybody to prioritise their personal health and hygiene by washing hands thoroughly and regularly and using the hand sanitiser gel which is provided around our buildings.
We are continuing to disinfect/clean regularly throughout the day particularly in our high volume touch points such as door handles & stair rails. Hand sanitiser gel will be available in our meeting rooms and elsewhere on site.